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Punk As F u c k
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Wondered today about labels - the type people give themselves and others. I've been in enough bands to know that no one likes to pigeon-hole themselves into a genre, much less a subculture. I recently heard this opinion: "Yes you can stick yourself in one group or you can stop being so pathetic and realise that you like other sorts of music"- Anyone who thinks a punk only listens to punk, or an emo kid only to emo is probably an idiot. Surely it's worse when people say "I like loads of stuff".
Well, it's back to Leeds for Christmas now - quite psyched about it really. Managed to squeeze in a shift at the Basement (volunteer workers co-op in manchester) before I left so they don't all hate me...Had a wicked few days. Did my first proper DJ set at a party, went down a storm and it was great to give my vinyl collection some publicity (Who knew the Clash and the Average White Band would mix so well?). Last night I saw the Pogues, heroes to a man. Not ashamed to say I wept my heart out.
Well, I've got proper punk-rock injuries now that Sweeny from the Dead Pets landed on my head. My own fault really, wasn't watching the top of the PA stack - although I bet Claims Direct could get me a few hundred off him for dentist bills.

Kicks ass gig though.
"Hello world" I smile politely...

My nocturnal patterns have kicked in again. That's what happens when you have a nice reliable drug habit. I get up when I like, I can stay awake for as long as I want and go to sleep instantly - all this is not of course without a downside but its a damn sight better than the alternative.

Oh - all you well meaning and patriotic people who write that you "Love to get drunk" and "despise drugs" might want to look up the word "Hypocrisy".

Go back to bed.
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