In my own words am jus a normal down to earth girl who like to go out n ava laff!!!
My Funniest Moment... was wen i was in mollys with stacey n we was dancin n i started to slip in sloooowwww motion for about 5 minutes n the next fing i was sat on the floor lol
and cud not get up so lil kev n his m8 picked me up n stacey thort i was guna cry n i was like aww im well embarrased hahaha how funi was it stacey haha xx
haha yea thats ok bbe but bring me some steak round yea? bout time i had some effin meant grrrr frustration ha!! yea weekend will b mint we will jus get hammered and have a laugh like last week! u stayin at ur house cuz if u r i might get tucka see if he wants to stay at mine jusb me and him?? wat dya think? xxx wb luv u more xxx
i know yea cuz tom sold us out last weekend haha!! yeeaaaa am ded excited for weekend now lol but it means am closer to goin on holiday and im glad im goin but gunna well miss u and tom n the chambers lads:( il try my hardest to get credit n u can keep me informed lol n if ur upset again at least im there (in txt anyway) haha xxxx
lol hes a muppet int e!! yea i reckon we willb out too even if we have no money lol cuz tucka said to me U R OUT ON FRIDAY!!! so i was like ooook haha.... my throat is killin me u think i shud go docotrs cuz it really is doin my eddin lol!! xxxx
i know u want me back but after everythin that uve done and all the shit i went thru for u and u do this!!! uve fucked it mel honestly im fuckin heartbroken