|  Name: | melanie | |  | Details: | 34 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | -x-x-x-xwallasey-x-x-x-x...»-( ¯`v´¯)xx ..., Merseyside, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/melwillow |
  In my own words
 ...»-(¯`v´¯)xx ... -x-x-x-x NoThIn LaStS fOrEvEr,So LiVe iT Up,dRiNk It dOwN, LaFf iT OfF,aVoId Da BuLlShIt, TaKe cHaNcEs,AnD NeVa HaVe ReGrETs, BeCaUsE aT OnE PoInT,eVeRyTHiN u dId, WaS ExAcTlY WaT yOu WanTeD-x-x-x-x...»-(¯`v´¯)xx . |
 My Eternal Dilemma...
 at first i waz afraid, i waz petrified, wen u sed u had 10 inches, lord i almost died,but id spent so many years just waitin 4 a man dat long, dat i grew strong, & i knew that i cud take u on.. but there u r, another lie,i waz ready 4 a big mac & u brought me a french fry, i shud of known that it was bullshit just a sad pathetic dream, i shud of known there was no anaconda lurkkin those jeans!Go on now go, walk out the door,dnt u promise me 10 inches then turn up |
  Comments | 10 of 140 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  | silver-clio wrote... | |  | hey hun just been looking at ye profile an wud like to get to know u add me on msn on [email protected] ive got recent pics an cam on there hope to hear from u soon xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | silver-clio wrote... | |  | hey hun just been looking at ye profile an wud like to get to know u add me on msn on [email protected] ive got recent pics an cam on there hope to hear from u soon xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | slave_liverpool wrote... | |  | I would like to offer myself as your personnal slave. i am willing to do anything u tell me. 27 male in kirkby liverpool. plz i beg u slave |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | kevsheregirls wrote... | |  | hey babe how r u and what u up 2. hope u dont mind me saying u r hot and i got msn if u wanna chat msg me back and let me know what u think of me plz? xxx |  |  |  | send message |
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|  |   Favorite Things Food x-x SuBwAy...cHiNeSe cHiCkEn....mUmS RoAsT!-x-x Music -x-x-x-R&B...dAnCe.. nEfIn dAtS A Gd tUnE-x-x-x- TV Show x-xGrAhAm nOrToN.... ShAmeLeSs-x-x-x- Author -x-x-x-x eRm....dUs mAgS cOuNt-x-x-x-x Movie -x-x-x AlPhA DoG....ThE NoTeBoOk-x-x-x Night Club / Bar -x-x-x-x mE lOcAl aReA...LiVeRpOoL-x-x-x- x Animals -x-x-x-x eRm....MoNkEy-x- x-x-x...»-(¯`v´¯)xx ... Person -x-x-x mY WhOlE fAmIlY...Lv Em 2 bItS...:P-x-x-x Website Click here to view Place -x-x-x-x nEw YoRk....Or RiTe At HoMe-x-x-x-x Possession/Thing -x-x-x-x mE fOnE...Me BeD....mE fAmILY-x-x-x-x |
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