In my own words u can call me a sinner or u can call me a saint celebrate me 4 wat i am dislike me 4 wat i aint put me up on a pedestall or drag me down in dirt stiks n stone will brake ma bones but ure names will neva hurt life is a paradox n it dnt make much sense dont let the fruit rot under the vine fill up ure cup n lets drink the wine coz this is who a am u can like me or leave me coz am neva gonna stop !!!!1 me RAH RAH RAH RAH RAH RAH :-)i neva know wat to put here so ill just say were do i end and u begin if i show u the roses will u follow b cozz its better the devil u know erm im just me and wat u c is wat u get im a loud fun person just always up for a laff :-D hehehehehehehehe wenever werever as shakira once said (le lo le lo le lo) love going out and gtting drunk even better now am livin in london y=the clubs r fab i tell u fab lol love to go shoppping and spending all my money and love to go to concerts x
hay baby lol, im the 1st 2 put a comment ere how privilaged am i rah rah. omg how pissed are we haha neva mind ay, lukin 4ward 2 lollipop agen on tuesday yehhhh. luv ya xxxx