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happy in life, unlucky in love.
Name: mark chivers
Details: 40 years old (Aries), Male, Single, Straight
Location: portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/markncc
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In my own words


Not really sure what to write here, it does not seem to matter what I write, as no one seems to take much notice of it anyway.

Im Mark I live in a nice house in paulsgrove, which I rent with three french students who work for the same company as me, I get new students every six month which is interesting as it gives me new people to get to know and talk too.

I work for a small lighting compsny in Farlington as the companys US and UK Sales Manager. I get to travel to the US a few times a year, mainly New York, but I have been to Las Vegas also. I really enjoy my job, it pays well and has a few good benefits, I have been there now for five years and I hope for many more.

I have been single for over a year now, mainly because of work but also because I have not met anyone who has really been interested in me i guess.

I try and swim a mile before work each day, it does not show, but I find it relaxing and always feel mo
ok then here goes.... I am no good at these things but we will see how bored you get reading this.
Things are going well at the moment which is a good change from the past lol. At the moment I am working for a company called Anglepoise ltd, we manufacture desk lights, which are pretty cool and pretty expensive well some of them are.... check out their website and see if u like them www.anglepoise.co.uk. Working here is pretty cool i worked here during my placement in Uni and I am now working
If I was a Millionaire...

Buy loads of cars, Porsche, Ferrari, Noble, and Skyline.
Nice Big house in the country, then spoil myself, friends, family and my girl (if i had one). Long holidays away, and loads of fun

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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Trips abroad
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Favorite Things

Anything really love chinese, india, sunday roast

all kinds both old and new

TV Show
Anything on Sky, and Sky Sports

Love most movies

Night Club / Bar
somewhere with nice food, and nice drinks

brothers new Dogs, Tropical Fish


Maldives and my house

My car, my iphone and home


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