In my own words hello every 1.... fuck nows what to say in this bit really just a little bit a bout me from east london been up here for a nearly two years now and loving it work as a builder/property developer in the week.and also dj and own a pa hire company and put loads of nights on round brum so im right busy can be found out most weekends in various states playing at clubs raving me head off lol or playing tunes on the radio [PURE FM 97.5] so if ya see me out come and say hi... when i aint doing that i love chilling out/ going out for nice meals/taking me dogs out/makin music in the studio all the usual stuff really
saw your comment on johny's profile and i now see he left you one back, was very nice of you to say such nice things to him and its nice to see you recognise a decent man when you see one, sounds like your a decent guy too, take care xxx