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Name: Sam Morgan
Details: 33 years old (Libra), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Tenby, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/macbeth182
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Haha, Alison...you crazy Yank
Umm, not quite my best one...
joel, jess and myself
my best picture
In my own words

Hello, my name is Sam. I live in sleepy Tenby where not much really goes on. Yes, I like music...mostly bands from the So Cal scene, but I can listen to a lot of stuff. Want a list? Here you go...Screeching Weasel, Arctic Monkeys, NOFX, Blink 182, Minor Threat, Fugazi, Nine Black Alps, Descendents, Reagan Youth, Sex Pistols, B utthole Surfers, The Q ueers, Public Enemy, Primus, Babyshambles, NWA, The Pharcyde, Beastie Boys that's enough for you. Back on the map, by Slapshot is the greatest song I have ever heard, Listen to it now! I dont like people who are 15. Haha well not all of you, just the ones I know. What with all their Nirvana hoodies, long hair, and stupid lack of knowledge of anything musical. Yeah my school is full of ignorant f'ducks like that. But I like lessons in school, History is best, English and ICT are cool too. Anyway, if you like what you see, r ape me. Bye
The Meaning Of Life...

Was purely to reproduce.

So rubber up kids

Wait that doesnt make sense...
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Anything chargrilled


TV Show
Alan Partridge, FBI Files

Jasper Fforde

The Shining, Rules Of Engagement

Night Club / Bar

That tortoise I never did get

All my friends, one of you in particular :)

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The U S of A

My mind.


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