In my own words im lovin love sex love life love work love meetin nw ppl i love my bezzy m8 misha she is a babe love u mwah xxx im out goin dwn 2 earth love clubbin so lads wanna take me out for a drink drop me a message any tym da 1 thing i do wish is 2 ave mishas mellons lol dats da only thing i wud love 2 ave she has FF38 mellons boys!! all ppl r able 2 message me i will talk 2 any lads oh n u misha lol rate me n pleaz message me omg i cant bleave all da messages ive been gettin sorri i cant reply 2 all of dem at once not enuff message things sorri but i will reply asap love u all MWAH! misha ur knw im all urs ur my baby gal i love u 2 bits babe xxxx come on ppl wot u gonna do when i come for u? YES IAM MARRIED!!!! I DONT NOT HAVE MSN MY HUBBY WONT LET ME HAVE IT SO DONT GIV ME MSN ADDIS XX peace out babyz!!!! *~.LuCy.~* p.s I DONT HAVE A BABY ITS MICHELLES!!!!
My Mum Says... DNT B SILLY PROTECT HIS THINGY! R.I.P mum i love you loads i could not have asked for a better mum then you i will miss you loads u mean everythink 2 me i will never forget you. you are in a better place now darlin
I was being nosey looking at profiles and yours jumped out at me making to me stop, stare and take notice. So I thought id pop over and say HI plus leave you some LUV on your page babe, hope you dont mind ??? From leaving you this comment I know that at some point you will be going to check my profile out . . . If you do and you like what you see ??? drop me a message back and may be we could swap MSN addies and get chatting . . . Xxx MWAH xxxx