In my own words ((.´ .´..´)) ¤´)((.´ Hey im Steph live in Paignton bubbly wen I want to be um.... msg me pls or add me : ((.´ .´..´)) ¤´)((..*stephaniehockings001@blu eyonder.c thnx ((.´ .´..´)) ¤´)Rememba behind every bitch theres a guy that made her dat way lolz !!! livin life to the full now as been treated lyk poop a lot in the past !!!! Amy ur a star babe and laura d ur the best <3xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**xx x**xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**xxx**x xx**xxx** Dan ur an angel xxx <3 ive neva felt so happi and safe mwah xxxx
From Now On... Im GoNna SpEnD My TiMe WiT PeOpLe ThaT I LoVe DaN, my cousin lau-lau and family, and of course ma baby to come tyler xx