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xXxlooby louxXx : ) xxxx
Name: Louise xXx
Details: 36 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Airdrie, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lou_4_peter_26
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claire n me
Claire me n lianne
the gals in edinburgh feb 05
In my own words

bebo - http://xxxlooby-louxxx.bebo.com
thats prob where ull find me now!!!xx

aM 20 n a LiKe t0 g3t st3aMin N g0 To tHe dAnCin n MeEt tHe WiLliAm wHaT eLsE i$ tHeRe To Do iN lIfE?? xXx a WaNnA sAy Hi To aW mA pAlZ uSe aW No wHo UsE iR...eSpEcIaLlY mA bEsTe$t bUdDy CLa1rE xXxXx hIyA t0 Aw tHe Pe0pLe wE Go o0t WaE aT tHe WeEkEnD. HeY PeEpZ!!! A luV mUs1c - wEsTl1fE, dAnCe TuNeZ, OASIS (they rule), StOnE rOsE$ n AnY oThEr Go0d TuNeZ ThAt ArE oUt n ThAt a CaN dAnCe tOo!! NoT tOo FuSsY bUt a hAtE aW ThAt MaD g0tHiC rUbBiSh!!! FrEeKs!!! wOw TrIm tHaT bEaRd!!! hEhE!!oH n give me a RaTiN if u like what u see n read!!!! [email protected] - msn! xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx
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woohoo!!! goin to see oasis tomoz!!!! xxx
This Week's Plan...

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! how sad am a!!! a wanna go back to ayia napa now! hello to aw the wans we met there use are aw honeyz!!!xXxXxXxXxXx
Its all about the BANTER!!!!x Moan the hoopz!!! (for the big man)!x
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Favorite Things

who needs food wen theres alcohol n guys???!

Dance, pop, indie, RnB

TV Show
Hollyoaks n home n away Mark Furz MWAH!!

Jordan n Gazza only books ave read!xXx

Finding Nemo, Clueless

Night Club / Bar
Starskys - ayia napa / fat sams - dundee xXx

Rabbit (hehe)

Ma daddy

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ma bed n ayia napa n Dundee

ma mobile phone n u guess the other one!x


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