In my own words well no point n tellin all yous ma name age n tht etc..tell you coz its there already . am a small blonde girl yass!! who loves Bigotry n bein hardcore llf .. loves ma m8s Dawnsky bee..Lorzoo!..Whitey!..Lorri Bubbles..Jo Jo..Tilly =)!!!....xx
This Week's Plan... To get Moooosssheeed! =) ... IBIZA BABY 11TH JUNE 08 Moooossshhheeeeddd!!
I would say that im not half bad at recognising a beautiful lady these days. I've seen my fair share of good looking people, and i've been lucky enough to travel around a fair bit. and you my dear, you look absolutely fantastic - And I have no problems thinking that you're one of the prettiest people i've seen in a long time. No joking, no pulling your leg. I seriously do think you do look gorge.