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More sauce than a jar of Dolmio! ; )
Name: longtallneetie
Details: 52 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Somerset, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/longtallneetie
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Off to Glasto 2008
In my own words

Awwww, come on boys....I don't need to write anything here, you just look at the pictures, bless yous!!
Am here for a bit of banter and a giggle. Sometimes this site throws up a gem or even a diamond and I'm not opposed to meeting up to find out. So if you're tall kind and have a great and slightly twisted sense of humour give me a holler! I got a brain and will make you laugh if nothing else! ; p

PS those more than 10 years younger than me will probably not get a reply....sorry!!!

So here's a thing,songs who titles contain the word heaven and replacing it with Devon. Eg
Devon is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
stairway to Devon - Led Zep
Feels like devon- can't remember, aparently Fiction Factory....who???
Devon knows I'm Miserable now- Morrisey
Knocking on Devons Door - Bob Dylan
Devon can wait...dunno
Devon must be Missing and Angel - Tavares..Thanks to Devilangelic!
I'm in Devon - A variety of Artists
Secret to Life
Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where before there were only walls....
My Mum Says...

Bollocks....it's her favourite word.
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dean_davis wrote...  
Hey babe how r u? I'm dean just bored browsing do you fancy chattin? Hey what would you do if i was captured by a mad scientist who minced my body into sausages and gave me to you lol? take care
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roman_hands wrote...  
lol Im waving my hands in the air....
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mrfish27 wrote...  
hey! im looking for treasure, can i search yor chest? x
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Coq au my van!

TV Show
Father Ted, Greenwing, Scrubs, Black Books

Life of Brain/ Holy Grail, O Brother...

Slug (or snail) : )

Enveloped in a pair of strong arms, sigh!

My van


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