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with open arms and open eyes xxxx
Name: lolitax
Details: 38 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: manchester,town centre, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lolitax
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In my own words

anomaly of a gurl,, in search of something i never no wot...
people say im optimistic, i figure take the good with bad accept your flaws and your existence is less of a struggle. Plus a world that has sparkly cupcake nipple tassels aint all bad....smile!!!!xxxx
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hmmm am tartan black and white lolita later going out with ali again...stuffs changed loads hello james!!!!hugs mwa iwish that people understood things more like how tha way some one looks isnt enuf to love or loathe someone...sadly people judge before knowledge of those things they impose their judgement on xxsigh xxxxemail me!!!!xxxx
In A Perfect World...

people would understand.I would think that peopl exist to live and not to hurt other people. People could see that im human, not a little gurl but like comfort. I wouldnt getused.xxxxevryone would have a sum1 just a person that dusnt judge them.. acceptance is vital to innerhappiness... there would be more stoisism and less sightlovers....4 all u plato buffs. Ijust wish more people wer happixx
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usmell666 wrote...  
Mwah :-) hopes your okies xxxx
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21 photos
Favorite Things

suishi, jellybellybeans..err miso soup!!mmmm

origional,like queen adreena, bjork,tool,lots!!

TV Show
lain, chobits any manga mewmew power!!japanese tv

poppy z brite,shelly, homer,emily bronte.

pans labrynth. The labrynth,

Night Club / Bar
jillys, satans, anywhere i dont feel 2outof place

kittens yey!!i want a gecko!!!wud b mean tho

(s)maisy, ali, rob..,lyndsey,cabs,

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home, somewhere i fit.in my little mermiad covers

my pullip dolls.my chobits dvd n chi doll


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