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Name: Ben,aka Jam
Details: 37 years old (Libra), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/little_ben
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Its meeeeeee
me n Hannah messing around
me n Hannah :-)
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In my own words

it must be reli annoyn wen ppl r on these sites and r in relationships,ppl must jus fink wots the point wen its lik a place 2 meet ppl or that theyre tryin 2 boast bout how happy they r or summat....wel theyd b rite,actually got like the best girlfriend eva and the girl ive always dreamt of,got a feelin were gna b 2geva 4 a very long time indeed,Hannah i love u,u r actually gr8 and everthing ive always wanted,omg 1year! (well wudnt u boast if ur girlfriend looked lik Han....yea 4rt u mite)...Jus got back from the most amazin week of ma life,been to mallorca wiv ma sexy gf,cant beat the feelin of goin to bed and wakin up wiv the 1 u love! aww betty :-p
My Best Day...

erm got a few,20th july,26th august,28th august,16th october :-p but every day after the 20th july has been jus as gr8 as every ova so al gd,oh yea valentines day wos pretty much the best day iv eva ad,spent it wiv ma gr8 girlfriend,went 2 london which wos gr8,n c lee ryan in concert which werent actually 2 bad n the rest is between me n Hannah lol :-p ...jus anova fing which aint reli related but nevamind..ave ya seen Hannah,omg fit as!
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Favorite Things

seafood risotto

anything that is a tune

TV Show
top gear,friends

..of Jeremy Clarkson autobiography?!

white chicks,bad santa,40yr old virgin

Night Club / Bar

ma 2 dogs

Hannah and ma m8's

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mallorca wiv Hannah

ma arty fing Hannah gave me 4 valentines and bday


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