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Name: lilxxmrsbrightsidexx
Details: 34 years old (Virgo), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lilxxmrsbrightsidexx
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And again! Drunken banter
Carolanne and me New Year Work Party
Myself and Scottie at Beach Party Garage '07!
Gemz, Moi and Jacq Garaging it Up like Hevvy
In my own words

I'm 20 years old, loving life at the moment, just finding where my feet stand just now, single and loving meeting new people, love changing my style and trying out new things, , im a bit of an indie lass, and the mighty boosh is what keeps me up at nite :) it just ruuuuns through my head that much hehe, send me a comment if u wanna chat, im a very friendly gurlie! mwa to you all H. xxx
My Dream Date...

Mmmmm....August 30th!!
Comments 10 of 18 | post a comment | view all
englishbear85 wrote...  
Looking for that someone special babe, are you her?
Looking for someone who I can worship the ground she walks on, someone who has a bit of dominance to her, someone who would cheat on me if she wanted too....
I would love her so much and never cheat on her.... I would worship everything about her...
Please help me babe.
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suziep123 wrote...  
aww thanks :) ure swee :) if u wana chat msg me back xx
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
oh thanks thats sweet.. drop me ur msn addy if u wanna chat xxoxoxo
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
Defo. out on the piss on 25th may cos thats the day of my last exam. So yeh there will lots of post exams drunkeness. Will actually get to go out in glasgow as well over the summer. I miss the place. xx
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
Hey how are ya? U been enjoyin your nights out at the garage then? I just been busy revising for my exams. Will be movin home soon tho which sucks and is kl at the same time. I just can't wait till my exams are over. xx
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
I didn't go out this weekend. Exams are upon me at the moment. Anyway i'll be moving back to cumbernauld pretty soon so i'll be nice and close to glasgow again and more nights out there. Get a night out or somethin then. x
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
Went out for a big night out thing in my union. Can't remember much, i was totally blitzed. Apart from that just been doin a bit of work n stuff. Had an interview today for a job. So fingers crossed i get it. So where u go on sat nite? x
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
Just been busy with uni work n that at the moment. Got my last assignment due in on 4th of may. Get paid today as well i think so i'll be sure to save some of my pennies as well. Up to much this weekend then? x
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
Aye garage wil lbe fine lol. I'll def let u kno when i can make it thru to glasgow for a night. Not been to the garage in a long while so might be ok i suppose for one night. Prob be able to make it thru at some point next week or the week after if that is kl? x
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massiveshlong69 wrote...  
I never see anyone from skool anymore. But im not to bothered cos most of them were dicks anyway. Keep in touch with ma cool pals from skool tho. Got all my mates at uni anyway now so im alrite. Anyway next time i get a chance to come thru to glasgow we could meet up or somethin if u like? x
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Favorite Things

Oooh Tapas!!

Indie,rock,drum n bass,Bowie,Doors....

TV Show
Mighty Boosh <333

Irvine Welsh


Night Club / Bar
Vogue,optimo,buff club....


My Mum of course!

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My bed..or sum1 elses hehe ;)

Music, clothes and make up


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