In my own words im myself wit everyone if they dont like it, then its up 2 them, im not gona change. i enjoy bein a student nurse, if u like wot u see let me kno, also will ppl rate me n msg me who u r plz thx xx
From Now On... im gona do wot i want wen i want n not bother whos nite i ruin as im not botherd anymore, its usually happens 2 me, so lets ave a gud time n get wasted x
Look out for a memeber called gazman27 hes nasty sick pervert i got this from some woman who he sent it to.. ---- Original Message ---- <originally sent by member gazman27> i saw a beautiful little blonde girl today in town wearing a sweet little pvc rain mac like the ones from next. i so had an urge for a wank mmmm Gazman27 is called GARY LAMING on facebook
Look out for a memeber called gazman27 hes nasty sick pervert i got this from some woman who he sent it to.. ---- Original Message ---- <originally sent by member gazman27> i saw a beautiful little blonde girl today in town wearing a sweet little pvc rain mac like the ones from next. i so had an urge for a wank mmmm Gazman27 is called GARY LAMING on facebook