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bubbly, ikkle n cheeky - u can put me in ur pocket!
Name: amber
Details: 37 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Surrey lands..miss me kentish ones tho =(, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lilmizshorty
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In my own words

hmmm, oh what to say! well i spose you just have to take me as i am...always up for a giggle, loves to make the most of life, you shouldn't waste a moment. I maybe a lil cheeky but who isnt? haha! so if you like what you see just drop me a message...cheers! xxx
From Now On...

never take anyone for granted. hold every person close to your heart, because one day you might wake up and realise you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.... wow thats deep ha ha ha
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Comments 10 of 34 | post a comment | view all
hunkyandy1984 wrote...  
Hey Hun long time no speak x I hope ur ok and I hope u had a lovely Xmas and new year x
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gee456 wrote...  
heyhey hows it going?
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maverick372 wrote...  
Wowzers freja, I am lost for words, but simply put hunni you are breathtaking, picture perfection if ever i saw, damn i wish i knew you better. what you been up to lately? hope to speak soon xx
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mikeyhunkyminx wrote...  
He's a french briard baby he is gorgeous right,he's coming to london with me he follows me everywhere haha ;) x x x
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mikeyhunkyminx wrote...  
Its my uncles 60th baby he lives in teddington so going for his party and basically just to see family for a while,im goin the gym later,walking the dog and doing all of my washing haha what joy.xxx
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mikeyhunkyminx wrote...  
Your welcome sweetie your lovely,nope nothing planned for the weekend im going to London for all of next week so saving myself for then,how about you babe?xxx
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jaxx4 wrote...  
good morning how are you hunni? xxx
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touncher wrote...  
haha y'are a bit :P But you do look pretty good in your pics, just had a perv :) Yeah I'm good ta, you? Whatchoo been up to?
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donnie-me wrote...  
hello sweetheart. xx
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touncher wrote...  
Pooooser :) Ello, long time no speak, how's life?
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Favorite Things

bit of this, bit of that, woteva tickles me fancy

Hip hop, R&B, soul, garage, indie, rock, allsorts

TV Show
more of a music kinda gal...

Dan Brown, John Grisham

too many..love psychological, thrillers, action..

Night Club / Bar
It doesn't matter where you go, its who u go with

Wittle fwuffy puppies! ha ha!! or meerkats =)

oooh...i dunno really...

well...kinda live in me own world anyways....


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