In my own words
 MSN by invitation only :)~~~ can't be bothered doing all this check out Lexi_Ladyinf on say it all there :) Questions...Why are there so many fakes on face-party???...Why do pop-ups always annoy me here???...Why can't ppl speak their mother language - English???...why...why...WHY!!! hehehehe :)))
update 6/5/07...if your nic contains the words sarah or bi or les then there is 99% chance of u being a FAKE!! (when will these dickheads ever learn?). |
In A Perfect World...
 There is only ONE religion!! ALL countries SHARE the wealth of the world!! and BTW..
The meaning of life is....To LOVE and BE LOVED (it's that SIMPLE)...oh n don't forget to laugh everyday :)) |