In my own words Well i never no wat to put here but here goes...I am Me! If you dont like me i will get over it! i dont hate people but if someone pi ss es me off they dont get a second chance!! (i am nice tho honest...!!) I am always up for a laugh and a good chat so MESSEGE ME! i love meeting new people and making new mates and if your nice we cud meet n go out clubbin or sommat! i love going out drinkin and am out most weekends! am laid back and easy going and can be very crazy at times! i have msn wiv pics so if ya want ma addy feel free to message me and ask me i will reply to everyone! i got more pics on there! Rite al shut up now! hope to speak to yas soon! xx p.s. if ya wanna no out just ask and av put a half decent pic ov me in ma pictures! Sorry i dont look good on pics am better in flesh! lol xx
In A Perfect World... I aM GoNa StOp FaLlInG fOr ThE wRoNg PeOpLe!! CaUsE aM sIcK oF bEin S h I t On....!!! AlSo NoT tO tRuSt PeOpLe As EaSy! I wIlL aLsO lEaRn To SaY nO...!!! ThInK tHaTs It FoR nOw...LoL!