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fun lovin, honest and playful with a splash of cheeky ;-)
Name: lee sherriff
Details: 40 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Yate, the inbreed capital of bristol! lol, Avon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/leejonnyb
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me, cupboard, kel and dave
out in torquay sept 07
the boys im on the left taken 4.8.07
when i was 19 and fit as a butchers dog
In my own words

Hi and welcome to my profile, please help yourself to champagne and snax at the bar, now your comfortable :-
I'm Lee a gas engineer from bristol, i'm a ger man type into all the typical man things, fast cars, bikes, rugby, going to the gym and anything that could potentially kill you. I'm a easy going hard working bloke that loves to go out with my mates and get upto mischeif but also likes to stay in and do the whole dvd, pizza and cuddles thing. I guess to sum me up im a work hard play hard cheeky little so and so thats always up for a giggle, so i guess if you like what you see, or maybe just drunk too much of the free champers you should say hi x

[email protected]
The Meaning Of Life...

work hard, Play Harder! and once you've done that try and squeeze a little more fun out of it!!! oh and cause as much mischeif as possible! Te he he

Im here for a good time not a long time!
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Favorite Things

KFC, choc fudge cake with strewberry icecream umm

everything, cheese, hard house indy R&B u name it

TV Show
Top gear

time to read?! yeah right!

lock stock, twin town, saw, matrix, blade,

Night Club / Bar
oceana, walk about,

My hound, Margrett elisabeth

me mum

The Gym, my car, my bed

my dog, car, phone, laptop, tool box, new house


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