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Name: Stephy
Details: 33 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Stourbridge, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/le_stephy
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Obi :)
In my own words

How do? I go by the name of Steph although some people call me Stephy, Le Stephy and even StephyMeep.

There are certain people in my life that mean the fucking world to me. I couldn't cope without them. They know who they are <3

I love my music. In to a bit of everything tbh. Hard-Fi, McFly, The Kooks, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna, Bullet for my Valentine, My Chemical Romance. My list could go on.

I also love my films, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN FTW! =] Anything Johnny Depp or Jake Gyllenhaal please.

Yeah well anyway, fancy chatting message me or ask for my msn, or even add me on myspace. www.myspace.com/le_stephy
From Now On...

I'm going to keep up with all my friends and avoid pointless arguements. I love the friends I have and wouldn't change them for the world. I've lost a few too but tbh they were complete and utter knobbers =]
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Read up there =]

TV Show
Charmed and Lost

Pirates Of The Caribbean <3


Dougie Poynter and Danny Jones please? =D

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My Bed (I love my sleep)

My phone, can't live without it.


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