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Name: l0ttiex
Details: 28 years old, Female, Single, Straight
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/l0ttiex
In my own words

Hiya I'm Lottie :3 Mum to Adam, Sleeping With Sirens lover, Vampire Diaries fanatic and a fan of: Zelda, Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts.

I get so much crap from people everyday because I'm a young mum. People telling me my kid should be taken into care, I should of had an abortion, I'm a useless mother, people calling me a slag etc. Let me just say - it hasn't been easy but I know I've done a bloody good job so far! I'm not a slag/slut/whore, maybe I'm a bit stupid for getting myself into this situation but I can't change what happened. I could of used it has an excuse to drop out of school and live off benefits and let my parents look after my child while I go out with my mates every weekend. But no I'm still in school, I work for 5 hours every Saturday & Sunday morning which I know isn't much but it's the best I can do right now. I've made mistakes, trust me I know that more then anyone but now I'm just trying to do the right thing!
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Favorite Things

Anything bad for me!

Sleeping With Sirens, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

TV Show
Dexter, Breaking Bad, Pretty Little Liars, AHS

Thirteen, White Oleander, The Green Mile

Night Club / Bar
Too young


My son :)


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