Started life with a few ups 'n' downs.... Was given up, then fostered for a couple years... used to have a totally different name...heh heh...and a whole lotta other stuff i won't go into that makes me who I am today.. ;-) I've been a musician for most my life and now a producer studying for a music degree at Plymouth university. I run a recording studio business and have produced some published music and am always looking for the next awesome singer! I love socialising with good friends, drinking rum and meeting new people; especially attractive funny people of the lady variety. I just like living life and having fun!
In A Perfect World...
* People wouldn't make profit from Water while others live with none! * People wouldn't make profit from Electricity while others live with none! * People wouldn't make profit from Gas while others live with none! And capitalist SCUM would be dead! We would all LIVE to LIVE,.... and not care about what's in our banks when we die! Money wouldn't be the root of all evil.... There would be no class divided state.... God help me... don't get me started!