In my own words hey!...frankly i cant be bothered writing in properr sentences so here are some things i love: *music-of all kinds*zee friends<3*johnnyDepp and various other hot ppl*Fall out Boy*guys with their own style*Panic! at the Disco!! wooo! Connor still hasnt taught me his dance!! *fun!*The Offspring*my family<3*CHRISTMAS!!*Surrender perfume from Avon:)*Yellow Card*snow*my mp3 player- luv it luv it luv it!...sorry..*Inme*holidays:)*chocolate* G reend ay*Vans*wh en mrs clark is off! *shopping*being hyper!*swimming*Foo Fighters*watching movies infront of the fire*Son of Dork!!...I met them!!...James is hot :p..sorry..*good conversations*art!*smiling/lau ghing * Blink*maki n g other ppl smile/laugh*cute fairy lights*Coldplay*being outside when the stars are out*converses* you know, not alot really(!)
My Funniest Moment... smallooow! lol... turtles... sorry, you have no idea what im on about... im sorry... :p