In my own words MY MATES SAY IM ALWAYS HAPPY AND I HOPE THATS NOT A BAD THING-they also think im mad but r they mad and im sane or am i mad and them sane 2 many drunk moments thinkin bout that hehe just ask me pal gibbeh hes a male me and yea hes just crazy so i must b hehe I LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLE SO IT DOESNT MATTER WHO YOU R A NEW MATE CAN BE MADE EVERYDAY.JUST GET IN TOUCH OR U WILL NEVA NO.I LOVE TO CHAT IM A WOMAN AND BLONDES DO HAV MORE FUN BUT BRUNETTES REMEMBER IT THE NEXT DAY DOES REMEMBERIN IT REALLY MATTER U DECIDE! i can honestly say i dont dissapoint i just tell it how it is lol how naughty lol I think i hav 2 many ov my own words so message me and use ures hehe U CAN BUY MATERIAL THINGS OR SAVE HARD BUT THE ONLY THING U TAKE WIV U R URE MEMORIES SO MAKE NEW 1'S EVERYDAY ...
The Meaning Of Life... HAPPINESS..isnt a destinaion 2 b reached its a journey, a destination is sumwhere u reach and then always look 4 sumwhere else 2 go where as a journey is sumwhere u get 2 everyday and never ends. So dnt look 4 happiness live every moment experiencin it and remember every 60 seconds u waste bein miserable is 1 min ov happiness u will never get back in ure life so bloody smile hehe THE MEANIN OV LIFE IS WAT WE WANT IT 2 B SO JUST DO IT AND DO IT WELL lol!