In my own words Got a problem? Solve it Fuck me? Fuck you Lost? Get found Think Im tripping? Tie my lace Cant stand me? Sit down Cant face me? Turn around Think Im a bitch? Try me Love me? Great Hate me? Even better Think Im ugly? Dont look at me there you go problem solved ii GOSSiiP...SO iiM TWO FAC3D . .ii W3AR MAK3UP...SO ii GU3SS iiM A BARBii3 . . ii SAY WHAT ii THiiNK...SO ii GU3SS iiM A BiiTCH .. ii COV3R Mii ARMS...SO iiM SUiiCiiDAL .. ii LiiK3 Mii STYL3...SO iiM BiiGH3AD3D. . ii DRiiNK...SO iiM AN ALCOHOLiiC .. ii G3T PiiS3D...SO iiM 3ASY . .ii'VE TALK3D TO SOM3ONES BOiiFRii3ND.. SO ii GU3SS iiM A WHOR3 . .ii W3AR GOLD...SO iiM A CHARV .. ii TAK3 PiiKS...SO iiM A POZ3R. . ii CRY...SO iiM A DRAMA QU33N . .ii SP3AK TO BOYS...SO iiM A SLUT .. SO THROW M3 A LAB3L...YOULL DO iiT ANYWAY.. * ...* ... GIRLS LUK ME UP & DW BUT DT HAV THING TO SAY .. FUNNY HW TH WDS CUM OUT WEN I WLK AWAY!!!!
welll hey hey numba one recked heed ere... am bored sittin in college lyk a fookinnnn tit haha
well kirsty h darlin what an 18th birthday 2remember darlin eh? .... well we share everythink lmfao ;) respect lass
anyways am off home so if ya want is ya got me mob numba or just send es a msg x x x x x x