In my own words I'm in a relationship with a great guy and love him to pieces-thats the soppy bit over promise. i have great friends and you piss them off or hurt them and i will hurt you. Apparently i smile too much in my pictures, and i believe very strongly in my opinions. i have a weakness for cherries chocolate and great shoes. I'm a leo and yes i do believe in magic and horoscopes and the rest of it so :p. I love storms and being at the beach, storms and hot summer sun. I like to sing (whether i can or not is a different story). and i can be commpletely crazy at times. thats it i think you got any questions just ask. mwah!
well i suppose im lucky coz i still have my job but im fed up of ppl telling me that. i did not spend three years at uni doing a course on something i love to be stuck working in a shop woohoo i want to get back to archaeology and by that i mean outside doing field work, whether it be survaying to discover if theres anything there or sitting n a hole in the rain in northumberland finding out how far back the history at Vindolanda goes
In A Perfect World... id be able 2 speak how i feel without feeling stupid for feeling it
hey, how are you! You got a nice profile, it would be nice talking to you! holla back with you email (msn) aite i'll see ya then or add me lataz kisses SaraH