In my own words The Perception of Perfection is nothing but deluded thoughts...
I now have snake bites...if you can tell me what this I might be impressed...
There are 10 types of people in this world...those that understand binory code and those that dont....
It use to bother me when i thought of how people see i have come to the conclusion that people who can judge me by what music im drawn too how i look how i dress and how ever else i present myself, that no matter how much they put me down...they'll never be as comfortable in life as me...and they only do it because they're stupid cunts that put down others to feel like they play a part in life...but to be honnest they dont...your just a bunch of sorry cunts...that need a life...
and what ever happens with you...i really what ever that is out there...that your life turns out better than what it is...
with all my heart i do...
My Eternal Dilemma... what if your fears and dreams existed in the same place? what if to get to heaven youh had to brave hell? what if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? would you still be here???? jesus christ walks into a hotel and hands the inn keeper 3 nails and asks....can you put me up for the night?