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Easy Going, Quirky sense of humour, Fun luvin, Up for a Laugh, Partyer
Name: Mark Kilgallon
Details: 38 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Durham (currently at Uni in Leeds), United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/kilgor
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In my own words

Well in my own words could take all day so ill try and condense it down somewhat.
What you see is what you get basically. I’m a genuine and selfless guy according to my friends and I’m inclined to agree. I am really easy going and fun luvin. Nine times out of ten I am in my element and most at home in the company of friends and a nice frosty pint.

I cant say know to a night out in any way, shape or form; from a quiet couple of hours down the pub, to an all night house party and night on the town. I’m game for almost anything. At present I’m studying a BA Hons in Design at Leeds Met, So my time is split between home (Newcastle and Durham mainly) and Leeds city centre.

Well that’s it, don’t wanna give to much away. If ya would like to know more just ask! PEACE OUT!
My Pet Hate...

Chavs. The scum of the earth, and as long as a live i have made it my mission to rid the wolrd of them. Not sure how, but i WILL!
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Favorite Things

Any type of meat! Ummm Steak....

Feeder, Incubus, Killers, Libatines, Classic rock

TV Show
That 70's Show, friends, Grounded For life

Arthur C. Clarke

Shaun Of The Dead, Almost Famous, LOTR

Night Club / Bar
If it plays good tunes ill like it!

Ape *just as long as they dont take over*

Andrew W K. The man Partys so dam hard!!!

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My Bed, The Angel, The Spoon, In da sun by a pool

My Brain!


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