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~Absolutely Cunning~
Name: Emi_nori
Details: 38 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/kiki_jones
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Smug to the max
All the frigging time!
In my own words

I'm the type of person who suddenly insert irrelevant questions into a conversation. I like to lure people with my second hand intellience, sarky wit, playfulness, subtle creativeness, daft but oddly profound moments, being absolutely cunning, served with a lemon wedge of geekiness and a drizzle of random notions..

My current activities: Scenery seeking/Photo papping/Practice driving even though I have a license and everything.

Current Fetish: Girls wearing specs, Aussies (check Natalie Tran on youtube, she's hilarious), Accents.
My Best Day...

perfecting my jazzy rendition of "womanizer" on the guitar..good times!
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Comments 10 of 23 | post a comment | view all
nutz_4_it wrote...  
here is my msn [email protected]
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coffee4ndtv wrote...  
Word mofo
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey there its sarah, u got a nice profilee.. would be nice talking to ya.. drop me ur msn addyy or watever u use to chat.. xoxoxo
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danceonfire wrote...  
nah i went to one in manchester a couple of years ago but it wasn't really my thing. it's my birthday tomorrow though so i'm well going to alton towers. :D ICAN'TACTUALLYWAIT ahah. x
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danceonfire wrote...  
i know people that bought an xbox specifically for rock band. apparently it's not that good (!) but i do quite want a go anyway. i'm awesome thanks, how're you? been up to much? x
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danceonfire wrote...  
i've been boiling to death at work! it's too hot to be working in this weather. early finish today though and tomorrow is my day off so i can look forward to a chilled bottle of wine tonight and ice creams in the sun tomorrow! x
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danceonfire wrote...  
i hate roundabouts too! i'm really just not very good at them. at least i appear to have stopped stalling. however, i did nearly drive the wrong way up the a34 the other day. x
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danceonfire wrote...  
it was quiet at work cos it rained and nobody goes out in the rain. pansies. i'm sat with a bottle of wine and guitar hero, win! x
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danceonfire wrote...  
i worked yesterday afternoon and some pervy old guy came in and called me gorgeous and i was like ew. ew. ew. and he kept leering at me over the counter. that's worse than when they shout! are you up to much for the bank holiday? x
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danceonfire wrote...  
vengeance? can't say i have! sounds violent though hahah can't beat a bit of er, dying in a movie. x
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Favorite Things

JapChiKor food Sorbet Jelly CAKE!

Noisettes Missy H Feist Sia Emiliana Torrini

TV Show
Anime X files Heroes Spaced Lost

Haruki Murakami P.Pullman Banana Yoshimoto Manga

Juno WorldCinema Anime Disney Classics

Night Club / Bar
Climax, G.A.Y, Lions lair, Affinity

The mighty Giraffe

Vix Chrisy I love them times infinity

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with friends, with music, with bed, with scenery

Camera Guitar My shelf full of books/dvds


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