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I didn't clap loudly enough and Tinkerbell died.
Name: Aaron
Details: 39 years old (Cancer), Male, Straight
Location: Kent, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/kid_sinister
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In my own words

Hello. I'm Aaron and I live in Kent. I used to work as a pianist in London when I was studying there for my MA, and then after that I spent a miserable year working as a marketing manager. I've just started a PGCE to go into Further Education teaching. Isn't that exciting? Ok, perhaps not, but still if you want a chat then I'm always delighted to hear from anyone.
My Pet Hate...

Total strangers approaching me to ask if I've got a 'spare' cigarette. For one thing, none of them will be 'spare' unless I specifically keep a few back to give to total strangers. For another, what is it about smoking that makes people feel entitled to something for free? It's not as if you'd expect a bite of a stranger's sandwich just because you were a bit peckish. At least I bloody hope you wouldn't.
Comments 9 of 9 | post a comment | view all
xxchampagnexx wrote...  
Yes :(
It is secretly my favourite rating ever. In fact, I even have a bee outfit which I wear when home alone. And a pot of honey.
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xxchampagnexx wrote...  
Well what can I say, I am a witty girl! :P
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xxchampagnexx wrote...  
Have you got a spare cigarette?
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xx-lil_miss_goth-xx wrote...  
You are seriouly cute!! and thankyou but i cnat seem to make any guy happy enough O_o!! xxx
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xx-lil_miss_goth-xx wrote...  
wow your cute <3
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sircanealot wrote...  
Pianist (as a job, not code for 'unemployed')
Hahahaha, that's too good!!
I play bass guitar and I'm trying to get a covers band going for fun and spare change (and free booze/girls)
Thank god I found a job a while ago :P
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ms_switchblade wrote...  
no, tis definitely. precisely for all the reasons you listed...it frightens me because it reminds me of what's to come...eurgh. lol
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ashley-timms wrote...  
u sound like a french person, lounging about all day smoking n drinking cofee, u sure u havnt been eating quasons as well
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ms_switchblade wrote...  
Surbiton is frightening x
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Favorite Things

There's this Belgian waffle place in Ealing...

Way too much for this box. Ask me! Or don't.

TV Show
Arrested Development was AWESOME

Bukowski, Chatwin, Rushdie, Dolan...

The Truman Show, Rounders, Capote

Night Club / Bar
I'm not really a club type of guy...

Cats, followed by hedgehogs as a distant second

I don't have a 'favourite', really.

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