In my own words like i sed before u get wat u see, am a pretty down to earth person and very easy to get on with, always up for a laugh and willing to except ne challanges given to me even if it may involve my worst fears (I PROVED MYSELF MY M8 HAS GOT A SNAKE N Am SCARED OF EM BUT I HELD IT N EVEN GOT a PIC WIV IT ON MA FONE if u wanna get to know me better my msn addy is [email protected] aswell as all this i love beer, boys n wild parties!!!! oh n chillin wiv all ma gd mates. workin at mcdonalds lol. at least i hav a job ne way. went on holiday in june ws the best holiday of ma life was crazy then came home n carried onthe partyin for ma 18th had a wicked 3weeks of wrk
If I was a Millionaire... u wudnt be reading my profile lol well i wud probably be sat on sum beach rite now drinking sum kinda coctail getting plastered on booze. to be honest i cudnt really tell u wat i wud do untill it happened i dont like plans all that much i prefer to take things as they come and a million is alot of money but am sure i wudnt find it too hard to spend.