In my own words im sound person who gets on wit most people, i like to have a gud time but am always still able 2 keep my self respect i hate girls n guys who just offer everthin on a plate LEARN SOME GOD DAMN SELF RESPECT, Although i dnt get to get on down n boogey that much anymore as i have a beautiful little boy. if ya wanna chat my addy is [email protected] oh an if ur a bloke who is just an arrogant twat cocky or just up ther own arse in genral dnt bother addin me coz i HATE blokes like that x
ite kay
My Best Day... 02 january 2007 at 23.07 when my little boy made his arrival into the world
Hi there, i was just browsing through profiles and saw ur's, hope u dont mind me saying ur gorgeous. If possible can i phone u and wank off for ya or just swap numbers and text and have a laugh?xxx