In my own words Yo im kayleigh 20 from hartlepool. I live for my family and friends who r crazy n always makin me lafff! Love random nites out often makin a fool of myself! I love spendin money i avnt got! I hate the word no! I dnt understand it so dnt say it! Some ppl call me spoilt they r right! I hate pink lovin girly girls they wind me up also 1s tha scream at everyfin why just why?
My Pet Hate... ppl who dnt whistle or hum but they do a blowey thing in between!! does me head in i work wiv sum1 who does it all the time n i feel like screaming lol =( =P
hay hows it going? just read you profile and looked at your profile and just wanted to say you look amazing and sexy as hell hope you dont mind me saying but what ever man has a chance with you is a lucky man hope you dont mind? adam
hay hows it going? just read you profile and looked at your profile and just wanted to say you look amazing and sexy as hell hope you dont mind me saying but what ever man has a chance with you is a lucky man hope you dont mind? adam