In my own words I'm 23, I have a disabled 4 year old son. If that's an issue for you then simply don't message me.. I'm looking for someone understanding. My son takes up a lot of my time, anyone I date would need to appreciate this. I am looking for a relationship. I'm ready to settle down and be happy. I love Britney spears and Katy perry. When I'm stressed out I drive in my car with Brit up loud.. So chills me out..
Anyhow if you wanna message me then feel free!! :) Also can I add, I don't wanna see your nob.. Isn't that for the bedroom?! Just puts me off so much... If your after some sex talk then don't bother talking to me! :)
In A Perfect World... we would all have happy endings
Hi u are gorgeous babe how are u babe iam sorry to hear u have a disabled son that would never put me off u i am a carin bloke iam here for u babe if u ever need to chat