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Looking for laughs, lurve and lust
Name: kat
Details: 41 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: Wales for now...I'm back!!, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/katlee
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lobby talk
In my own words

In a 'nut shell' i'd say I am a go getter, I've just come back from Thailand as a teacher and I'd say I took every opportunity I could, I made the most of my experience. I don't just sit around on my fav asset all day!! I am just chilling right now with the family...it's been six months since I've seen them.
I'd say I'm a typical Aquarius with a capricorn business mind. I talk like a Gemini, have my cancerian sensitive moments and am ruled by Taurus under the sheets....or at least this is what the book says.
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end of an era 2
....since 9 am this morning and I am getting restless and bored in the sun, it's hot and 3 hours between reading a new book and swimming in the sea, baking myself in the sun has brought to this air con hallway as a release. However, I'm determined to get some tanning before coming home so I will get some lunch and then return to cooking myself.
So, next time I write in this blog i'll be in Wales, and I hope the weather isn't too bad. Sawade Ka x
My Mum Says...

Look at a guys shoes before you kiss him
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
bally1983 wrote...  
WOW!!! xx
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girlinamillion wrote...  
thanks for the message hun. I thought you looked familiar too-but no idea where from?!!
your mum's right-always check out a guys shoes....and watch! lol x
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey, how are you!
You got a nice profile, it would be nice talking to you!
holla back with you email (msn) aite i'll see ya then or add me
lataz kisses
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kingwilliam20 wrote...  
hi like your pic,i have one in profile,you can add me to msn [email protected]
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sxybodybuilda21 wrote...  
live in swansea, why u ask?
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funtimebaz wrote...  
you are so sexy
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ibiza 2007
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Favorite Things

varied appetite; loving sausage, cheese...ahh

something soulful, I like to sing along

TV Show
was L word; need to update this

I'm liking Tory Hayden right now

Anything Psychological, funny or thrilling

Night Club / Bar
Too many around the world

a little monkey i met in Thailand

Mum, sis and my future husband?

with nature

My house


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