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Do you dare....????
Name: katie
Details: 37 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Ascot, Camberley...., Berkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/katiehampton
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Work Cocktail Party Oct 08
Baby Jake! ( my nephew)
Dane & Michael on the hub cap mission!
Gorgeous Ruby!!
In my own words

I'd like to think I'm a happy person who likes to have fun, try different things and generally live life to the full, I try never to say no to good opportunities and believe life is about what you put in to it - you don't have fun sitting around on your arse all day!! I work as an events and functions coordinator in the Civil service and enjoy every minute of it, when i'm not at work I like to relax, have a drink,go to the gym,party,sleep in,listen to music and be with all my crazy friends and family!
In A Perfect World...

I'd have 6 figures in my bank, my car wouldn't have a fair few dents in it, it would be shiny and roofless!I'd have a flat stomach, even when I'm sitting, I'd never suffer hangovers, I would work 2 days a week and have a 5 day weekend and i'd chill in my own appartment looking over something splendid whilst waking up with that gorgeous, dark haired man (who by the way didn't lie/cheat or have some wierd fetish/paranoia)every single bloody morning!
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Comments 10 of 16 | post a comment | view all
doctor wrote...  
you look very fuckable ;-)
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andrewb6 wrote...  
we are so chatting on msn tonight. unless you think of 3 reasons why we shouldnt. there ya go, a challenege and i know you love them ;) x
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true_manc wrote...  
hey hun
looking gorgeous
what sort of events you do then?
been in sun much last few days then?
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svenvath wrote...  
puuuurrrrfect (:
fancy skiving the day and causing havoc....why should the weekend end now (: xxx
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kinky_meat wrote...  
Heres one I bet you havent heard before
SEXY!!! Haha.
You look nice babe. Be good to steal you for a chat. Do you have msn??
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dazzle07 wrote...  
WOW, ur gorgeous, luv ur pics
If u like mine too and wanna chat more then send me a msg or add me to msn... [email protected]
Hope to hear from u soon
Daz x
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footy2008 wrote...  
wow how hot are you i'm from marlow if you fancy a chat sometime, you have msn? x
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heartagram_guy wrote...  
hey there x
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slk230 wrote...  
hey u
love the profile, u r stunning and u have an awesome pair of legs!!
im moving to reading so not far from u!
hows ur nite goin? speak soon oh and i rated u hot xx
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twotoms wrote...  
nope im definantly one hun lol great legs by the way x
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13 photos
Favorite Things

Bake Potatoes, chinese, indian....loads!

Arctic monkey,kooks,Snow patrol, killers,...lots!

TV Show
I don't really watch T.V

Roddy Doyle

Liar Liar

Night Club / Bar
Yates, Polar bar-brighton!


There's too many!

my great big double bed all to myself!

weekends, bank holidays etc etc!


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