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L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Name: Justboy
Details: 39 years old (Cancer), Male, Straight
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/justboy_h
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New glasses.
In my own words

I think I'm awesome. But I also think calculus jokes are awesome, so take that with a pinch of salt.
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Not pet hate; passionate hate.
The abominable cretins who can't shut the fuck up at gigs, especially post-rock/instrumental ones. Are you here only to mingle? Why enter the venue in order to continue the conversation you were having outside? There's a Starbucks around the fucking corner, you lobotomised vermin. Does it say ''Gormless unwashed, beer-swilling, cognitively-challenged, mongoloid oaf rambling about inconsequential bollocks'' on your ticket? I'm fairly sure that's not what I paid £25 for. I hope you die of cancer.
From Now On...

...I am taking control of my life, finding out what it is that makes me happy, and pursuing only that. I have wasted too much time sacrificing my own well-being in a misguided attempt to win the attentions and affections of others.
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emmiedawn wrote...  
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-just-like-heaven- wrote...  
Stranger x
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emmiedawn wrote...  
i love you x
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lauraaaaaaaaaa wrote...  
Brand New are touring in June. Ooohhh. Hopefully they'll just play The Devil and God... and nothing else again. Hah xx
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-dawg- wrote...  
LOOOL!! its about people that do maths. annnnd mean girls!! X
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lauraaaaaaaaaa wrote...  
I raped him! Hahaar
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ohsokinkyboi wrote...  
Well your perceptions are accurate. If you're not seeing a student with a bike in Oxford, then it's a student with a scarf. In extreme cases, it's sometimes both. Albeit, I live in a town outside Oxford. Which vastly differs from Oxford itself, I've yet to see more than three baseball cap clad teens there at one time. I usually say 'Oxford area' to avoid confusion, since I doubt a lot of people have heard where I'm from. It's also to save the embarrassment, I'm not particularly proud or anything
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ohsokinkyboi wrote...  
Although chavs seem ever-present these days, it's safe to say I'm not. As for Chatham, honestly, my geographical skills are lacking, but I believe I'm no where near the place (Or ever likely to be if that's where all the chavs reside)
I'm more in the Oxford area, which is probably a relatively safe distance of 2 hours or so.
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lauraaaaaaaaaa wrote...  
Hahaha! It's cause I'm a girl. Everyone on this site is boob hungry!
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lauraaaaaaaaaa wrote...  
As if ;) yr a babee.
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Favorite Things

French, Lebanese, Thai, Japanese, Mexican

Post-rock/ambient drone/screamo/ metal/ math-rock

TV Show
TheThickOfIt, DailyShow, PeepShow, QI, HIGNFY

Orwell, John Pilger, Chomsky, Greg Palast

LaHaine, D. Darko, TheCorporation, LivesOfOthers

Night Club / Bar
Soul-less, trendy suburban alcopop bars. Great.

lives in my pants lolzz!!111 Never mind.

Bill Hicks, Tom Morello, MJK, Stanhope, niece

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Slovenia, Boston, Paris, Bloomsbury

CDs, MP3 player, ticket stubs, laptop, guitar


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