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I'm Not Crazy; I'm Just A Little Unwell.
Name: justalittleunwell
Details: 33 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Near Newcastle :], Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/justalittleunwell
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I'm no superman :[
Me + Hag = Evrlasting Fun!
Grey Boi.
In my own words

Okay; I hate these things. I never know what to say about myself. Well here goes. I'm just your average kinda guy, I guess? Nothing particularly special, and I like it that way. Understatement is a virtue. Don't get me wrong, I'm not boring, I like going out and getting drunk just as much as the next person; I just won't be the one dancing on a table at the end of the night xD Other than that, I play piano, and Im a bit of a hopeless romantic. Music is my life. You can usually find me at a gig if I have the money; if I'm not at a gig, I'm at home listening to the CD :] <3
So, get in touch, yeah? Messages make me happy. I love you; I really do :D
I don't get it, right...
What is it with people who send you a message, then you reply, and then they don't reply? Like, ever? Seriously. I think there's some sort of flaw in logic there. Or maybe I'm missing a fundamental part of this website. xD

Well. That's annoying.
In A Perfect World...

I would NOT be single. And of course, world peace, yada yada yada :]
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Comments 2 of 2 | post a comment | view all
the_edge13 wrote...  
Haha!! Same for me lol, Speak to you on msn in a bit :)
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damiangilbert wrote...  
Hi . Im not gay but your profile is good :)
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Anything in a different language is a plus :]

TV Show
Ugly Betty

Gregory Maguire


Night Club / Bar
The Yard

Doggy :]

Doesn't exist.

Penshaw Monument lolololol

iPod :]


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