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am i meant to say something really funny and witty here !?
Name: jules990
Details: 41 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Straight
Location: ayrshire, scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jules990
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In my own words

ok.. i struggle with things like this . ummm.. how about just likes and dislikes !! yeah , we'll go for that one , ok ..
i like .... the sunsheeeinne, laughter , fun people, battered converse trainers, singing, being inside with my pjs on when its pissing down outside , staring at other people when the are driving ! ( theres always someone picking their beak ! ) lol, my bed, seriously good tunes , penelope punto, peeling off a massive bit of wallpaper ( how satisfing is that ! ) the cold side of the pillow, the sound of ice cubes floating about in my drink, ....
i dislike.... rain ( when im out in it ), my dimples, boredom, rude people, boring people, waiting, the fact im on this site!, being ill, being skint, marmite, seeds in my tangerines and cruelty to animals ! . oh.. and people who harmonize the last few notes of happy birthday haha
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A LIL FUN.... I Cdnuolt Blveiee Taht I Cluod Aulaclty Uesdnatnrd Waht I Was Rdanieg. The Phaonmneal Pweor Of The Hmuan Mnid, Aoccdrnig To A Rscheearch At Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, It Deosnt Mttaer In Waht Oredr The Ltteers In A Wrod Are, The Olny Iprmoatnt Tihng Is Taht The Frist And Lsat Ltteer Be In The Rghit Pclae. The Rset Can Be A Taotl Mses And You Can Sitll Raed It Wouthit A Porbelm. Tihs Is Bcuseae The Huamn Mnid Deos Not Raed Ervey Lteter By Istlef, But The Wrod As A Wlohe. Amzanig Huh? Ya
From Now On...

im going to join the dots my own way ! ! :)
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Comments 5 of 5 | post a comment | view all
twotoms wrote...  
im a policemanin the met hun
you on facebook?
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twotoms wrote...  
its work work work for me hun
dont start till 4 but am on till 2 :( x
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twotoms wrote...  
thanks hun, im good, hows you? x
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roman-maverick wrote...  
there was no disaster! lol
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hot_stuff_84 wrote...  
you are very beautiful!!
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Favorite Things

jacket pots !!

elbow, bright eyes, death cab for cutie, etc

TV Show
desperate housewives and jack oz adrenaline junki

cecilia ahern

anchor man, amellie, shawshank,

Night Club / Bar
it really the company your with that matters

dogs.. and the meer cat .

yoda , wee grace and big rab

bed and dream land

my car, my ipod, my mind, my flip flops


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