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Complicated, Shallow and Deep.
Name: Josh
Details: 42 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/joshington
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another slutty pic..
In my own words

Hmmm where to start, I’m into Music, Films and computers. And am currently studying at Chester university *yawns loudly*. Some people claim im camp but I don’t think I am. I don’t go out clubbing and getting drunk every night but occasionally that kinda thing can be fun. Fun nights for me can be just watching a DVD, going to the cinema and going to Tesco at stupid times in the morning. I can be quite romantic when I want to be, and I do enjoy that kind of thing but it grates if someone is like that all the time!. At the moment im just looking for more m8s, and people who I can easily get on with, I might be looking for a boyfriend but he would have to have that certain something that everyone else doesn’t have. Please feel free to message or rate me;) I have MSN if u want it.
My Eternal Dilemma...

Does it make me less of a man, because I cry at books and films and eat Jelly Belly Beans?
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Favorite Things

Sushi, bolognaise...

Madonna, Placebo, Cher, Alanis etc alternative>

TV Show
Ab Fab, Sex In The City, Will And Grace, etc..

Anne Rice, Wilbur Smith

The Beach, Spirited Away, KIll Bill

Night Club / Bar
Via Fossa, Spirit

My pet cat.

erm, im not gonna pick faves like that :S


My Guitar.


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