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Jolly Jo! <<<< THATS ME!
Name: Jolene
Details: 37 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: Isle of Arran Scotland N Ayr Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jolene
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me and a koala in sydney OZ
me on my 21st in NZ
me in Soho
In my own words

Helloooo! Am Jolene a pretty mad Chick (so av been told) I used to Live on a crap rock in the middle of no where called Arran!!? have u heard of it!? EXACTLY!!!! And for the summer ive found myself back to my home land to work and save up for my round the world trip in jan are ya jelous? YA SHOULD BE! Ive got a flat in Ayr where ive been studyung media at University but come NOVEMBER! god no's wot im gonna do as my graduation is finally ere! (if i make it!) I wanna work in radio but who no's quite fancy the whole jetting about Virgin Atlantic Trolly Dolly thing. My passion is my music.. love clubbing!!! Try to get my butt to the Arches for insidout as much as poss and down to Goodgrief lovin that!!!
My Best Day...

Is every day at the moment im on my round the world trip!! done the states and fiji now im working in Newzealand in Wellington before jetting off to OZ and Asia!! :)
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Favorite Things

Love currys chinese MC D's owt bad for me YUM YUM

Banging Trance/house n a bit of funky now n then

TV Show
LOST!! DONT YA JUST LOVE IT!!! Prison Break 2!!!!

me read!! lol lol errrr sad yeh i no more mag?

HUMAN TRAFFIC! Troy and Green Street :(

Night Club / Bar
Amensiya iz this how ya spell it? Arches Glasgow!

Luv um all but ya can't beat puppy oh N Hippos!!

YEH RIGHT no one apart from my MUM

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New York, Thailand, Dom Rep, AMSTERDAM IBIZA!

Me engagement ring its amazing n i love it! x


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