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Being who I really am, not who I'm supposed to be
Name: James
Details: 35 years old, Male, Single, Straight
Location: The worst location in the world: Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jimmy_deltoid
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In my own words

WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT GOD IS REAL AND HIS SON-JESUS CHRIST-WALKED THIS EARTH! Not a shy one, can't help speaking up most of the time. I stand up for what I believe because if you don't, how can you claim you truly believe? Ooooo, how philosophical. I want to see the world, explore all the four corners of the earth and all that. Off on my gap year next year to go to bible college, then to Africa to hopefully try and do all that I can to give hope to people that really don't have much hope! I'm well into the fitness thing-down the gym a lot pumping iron as people say. I either swim, skip or run most days, maybe a marathon one day? ;) Love the writing, love the poetry and can't get enough of basketball. Slam DUNK! Music is bliss. Ooo and SHOPPING, I'm a woman when it comes to shopping, can't get enough of it. Oh...I almost forgot, or did I? ;-) The G.O.D. reigns in me! Want him to reign in you too? I can help you get on the right road :
The Meaning Of Life...

To pass from this life to the next and stand in his presence: Surrounded by His Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing Hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine...
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Favorite Things

Indian/Chinese (not takeaway) STEAK!

Chris Tomlin/Delirious/RPM/Casting Crown

TV Show
24!!! Lost!! One Tree Hill!

C.S. Lewis, Pullman, McEwan, Gospel Authors

The Last Samurai, Spirited Away, Crash

Husky and Siberian Tiger

He who gave his life for me+close friends+family

Anywhere but Leicester? AUSSIE SURF

His Living Word!!!


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