In my own words -LUV A BOY THATS NOT AFFRADEE TO WEAR PINK! ITS HOT NOT GAY!!! WHHOT HOO TATS R WAY SEXY.. BAD BOYS R YUM BA SURFY BOYS R HOTESS! I JUS LUV BOYS! BEIN RANDOM IS AWESUM! MWAA MWAA MWAA I HATE PLAYERS :( BOYS CNT FUCK WIF UR HEARTS ITS NOT OK ITS WRONG!!!! ++ Punk'll neva die ++ AppLes nOt Oranges ++ Black thE new piNk ++ Laughing = health ++ Dancing is essential ++ RevEnge nOt harmful ++ Emtma ma sista ++ BitcHing is hateful ++ Frienz aRe fOreva ++ LennOn my brOther ++ LOve can be eViL ++ COlOnel sanders a saint ++ The past forgOtten ++ Music is living ++ Ranii ma dOggie ++ Fish ++ ++ Cryin is nO sin ++ PhatNat ma bestfrien ++ hapPieness the key ++ Mik Jagger hOt in emo jeans ++ Players brOken hearts ++ Sunny-biLl willams de stud ++ Tiasha a priNcess ++ Dreamin
My Mum Says... JESS dont chase boys JESS eat ur vegies JESS change ur undies an brush ur teeth everyday! JESS dont brake hearts JESS always SMILE N KEEP DANCIN..