Lool me names Jenny.. im 18 finally.. nd lovin it! & i liv in cov =)
Im at college doin media wich is pretty gud! u kno ur gunner c me workin on HOLLYOAKS 1 day ;) haha...
iv got sum amazzzin mates! dnt need 2 name them - they kno who they r ! lool dey mean th world 2 me & love them 2 biiits !! =) x
Im single atm. . soo feel free 2 try your luck :p!! lol .. onli HOT LADS pleaaase :D
i luuv goin owtt pretty mch newhere wiv alcohol haha! im not a lil pisshed but yanooo gimme a bottle ov vodka nd il b happi! colly.. jaks.. newhere decent il b there - ravin it up ;)!!
....lool [email protected] <<... feel free 2 add me as long as ya ent likw 60 yrs old nd lukin 4 internet sexxx!! haha i dnttt hav cam so 4get tht 1 loool... get a liiife.
so yer thts me, take it or leave it :)
The Meaning Of Life... LOVE YOURSELF!...because if you dont, who else is gunner!?
[quoted]Looking for a guy who can prove romance isnt dead!!.. startin 2 think they jus dont exist..! [/quoted] Would i prove this if i brought you a twix ?
allright how are you today? looking hot in your pics babe propa gorgeous xx let us now if your up for a chat xxx ill leave you with a lickle joke....big bad wolf says to little red rideing hood pull down your top so ican suck your titts..NO shouts little red rideing hood as shes pulling up her skirt..FUCKING EAT ME LIKE THE FUCKING BOOK SAYS LOL hope it made you laugh xxx
hi hunni u k where in mids u from im from there 2 only moved ere bout 5 weeks go from down south cuz me job ur gorgeous btw n sound really nice u got msn n wanna chat email bk xxxx