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Name: Jayney
Details: 41 years old (Sagittarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jayneybabes
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us again
the boys
My birthday
helen and me
In my own words

i am a happy, bubbly person. i love having a laugh and dancing the night away, anywhere and anytime, sober or drunk!! i love my mates and wouldnt swap them for the world apart from when they let me do things when im drunk and they know i will regret in the morning!! take that sheffield arena 18/05/06 was fantastic!!! haha chris i like my catsuit! lol... leeds festival!!! 24-28th august!!!!was quality!! i love mike skinner!! xx how different is blackpool in the winter lol
If I was a Millionaire...

i wouldnt work at all! i would take all my mates on holiday in my private jet maybe get john travolta to fly it, bring Frank Lampard along for the ride (of his life) lol and make sure every1 had a good time..coz i love them all (u have 2 say that realy dont u)
i would buy a big house with a swimming pool and gym and have lots of dogs and maybe some horses too. i would have a pink porsche boxster s with white leather seats and obv the private reg!! (i can dream cant i).
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9 photos
Favorite Things

spicy foods, sunday dinners,noodles!!!

RnB,artic monkeys!! killers,kaiser chiefs!!

TV Show
phoenix nights, little britain,2pints of lager

grease 2, top gun & any other girlie chick flick

Night Club / Bar
the george!! (lol) walkabout,the crown!



my bed

my 3 doggies & my new apartment wooohoooo


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