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Name: Jay
Details: 44 years old, Male, Straight
Location: Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jayi979
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everyone else poses, so why not!
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buttonspoon wrote...  
You can marry me for the photo's if I can marry you for the party! Great profile by the way!
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shotsy wrote...  
THIS IS A PUBLIC HEALTH CIRCULAR...Don't bite your nails millions of microbes live under there and you may get AMOEBIC DYSENTRY! Oh and thinking may damage your health who knows what noxious chemicals you are releasing into your system (shudder) XXX J
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shotsy wrote...  
Thank you baby I am sniveling into my cornflakes because it really is touching...I know cornflakes at this time but MY GOD is there a rule that they should only be eaten at breakfast time?? (RANT) I'm gonna start a revolution methinks...from my bed Just call me Lennonilda Decornflakio xxxx J
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shotsy wrote...  
Now listen to me you long nailed,lager swilling, corrie watching ,metal headed, dim watt bulb, shoe shopper (gasp) wheres me bloody laugh ay its nigh on time I had one keeping me waiting like this I am DYING yes DYING of extreme seriousness annihilation I need you to save me like! XXX heh heh heh how are you sweetcheeks x J
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sxc_steffi_babez wrote...  
iyah gorgeous! ran outta msgs, whit whoo! whistle for a hottie lol, ur fineee hunni, xxx
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