In my own words im outgoing love having a laugh & dancing like a pill head haha! hanging out with the best mate ever abi.i love going out and getting shit faced so i dont know what im doing,hate it when ur mates r sober n have stories to tell about u in the morning tho thats realli embarrasing!i am just a loon and dont take anything seriously....u will know if u see me out im the one takeing the piss wen im dancing looking like a fool!but its all fun! i can be quite sensitive when it comes to certain people and situations but alcohol always seems to sort problems out haha! like being around people who are easy to get on with and no how to have a laugh like me!hate people who judge others by the way they look or the things they own its just pathetic...i believe in giving everyone a chance but if they blow it they will face the rath haha (abi)i have some of the bestest mates ever and know some of the coolest people!love u all lots xxxx
yeh i know where am goin.. i went few weeks ago 2 b introduced to the staff n evrythin. so i know wot am getin maself into.. 2 rite am goin on a mad 1 2mro nite haha but thats nuffin new! wher u owt 2mro? xx