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If your going to the pub....im coming with ya!
Name: angie
Details: 42 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: Chesterfield, derbys, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jaji
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ally and sis
erm....dont ask!
jodie and me a little worse for wear
Oh look!!!! Jodies at it again!
In my own words

Why be miserable when smiling makes you feel so much better! Cant imagine life without laughing!!! All my mates make me smile, they are the best thing in my life, they are thre most caring, loving, funniest buch of people i have the privelidge to know! Personailty is big thing for me, love to have a grin with mates down the pub and with everyone around me. Im looking for a decent kinda guy to spend time with and have a bit of fun!! People dont waste my time, its very precious! I love meeting new people and having a giggle...after all in the words of cindy lauper....girls just wanna have fun!!!
In A Perfect World...

Men and women would understand each other....trust and commit to each other, everyone would share what they have...love and materialisic things! People would be honset and straight with others, people would say what they feel and stop all the lies....hard in this lifetime for some people, Kids would be loved unconditionally by their parents and others and everyone would smile and laugh because there would be nothing to be miserable about!!!! Sounds nice dunt it!!!!
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Girls on the town!
9 photos
Out n about
6 photos
Photos of me
20 photos
Favorite Things

Chinese and Thai could go on forever really

arctic monkeys, Stone roses, jack johnson

TV Show
The L word/gimme gimme gimme/soaps

JK rowling/ dan brown/ autobiographys

Green Street/ Football Factory/This is England

Night Club / Bar
Oak, Brampton, New inn, Highfields and Mojo

cats...any i love em especially mine lol

The girls of course!!! oh that includes me mum

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The Bar/thailand! - koh pan ghan, samui, bangkok

My self respect!


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