In my own words sappnin. I'm layed back and easy to get on with. need to be havin fun most of the time or i get bored which usually leads to fallin asleep. I love going crusing in the car. I've just got rid of my cavalier and replaced it with another megane coupe. this one is bright yellow and only 40k on the clock. Just need to get the sounds in there and get the windows tinted for a bit of privacey ;-) Also need a nice set of 17 rims. Need to get my insurance down again so I can save up and get an Astra VXR. Just wanna give a shout out to all my mates. Cant name all of you basards - i'd be yer all night. Cant forget a shout out to my gorgeous girlfriend Angharad - Love ya beautiful. Well peeps you know the drill - if you like what you read then leave a message - you never know you might get a reply ;-)
The Meaning Of Life... ....make your own meaning for living. dont let ne1 push you around or tell you wot your sposed to be doing. wot you do and where you do it is up to you. chill out, have fun and enjoy yourself. Dont take life to seriously because you'll never get out alive. Just live it a quartre of a mile at a time.